Save Our Books Australia

Our mission is to extend the life of books into the hands of new Readers for a Greener World.

We ensure South Australia’s unwanted books are re-used.

Help us Re-Use books to Save the Planet

Books are heavy and are often valued as worthless. Sadly, a huge volume of books are put into landfill. Even if they are placed in recycling, they are often unable to be recycled due to traces of plastic on the covers or contamination by other items in recycling bins. This leads to them being transferred to landfill. This is a tragic waste of resources and information.

Can I put books in the recycling bin?

We often hear this question. Most recycling plants do not accept books because the plastic covers aren’t currently able to be recycled. Due to a lack of awareness, it is unknown that the recyclers need to receive the bare pages inside the book, and then these can be recycled. It’s better to reuse books to save our natural resources and cut down our carbon footprint and that’s what we always aim to promote here in Australia.

How we can help you

If you have books that you don’t want anymore, then Save Our Books Australia is your contact. We offer a FREE books de-clutter collection service from you institution, home or business. Click the button below to go to our contact us page.

“Clarkson has helped accomplish over 200 of its partners’ major conservation goals. They inspire everyone to care for the planet.”

— Quote Source

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